Thursday, September 25, 2008

Everything is just a little bit different

Australia is very similar to America... however, there are plenty of slight differences, just enough to throw me off. Its a good thing I decided not to bring my school supplies along--instead of 8 1/2 by 11 paper, they use A4 (not quite sure the dimensions) which is a bit longer, maybe skinnier too. They have 2-hole punch instead of 3. Basic 2-pocket folders don't really exist, I haven't found them anyway. Staples are smaller too... now you all think I'm crazy and this stuff doesn't matter, but it does kind of, at least if you're as anal retentive about organization as I am. I quit using the school issued diary too... its a very nice planner, but I needed my Gopher Guide. Its just more familiar.

Now about Dr. McRae. She is the instructor for two of my four classes... the intelligent, academic one, that's her. So day 1 we sign a page of 19 rules as to how we conduct ourselves in her class including everything from not talking in class (otherwise the whole ROW leaves the room), submitting assignments with specific headings, not cracking knuckles/back, no laptops, no missing class, no leaving the room during class... these all seem very basic, but you have to read the whole list to understand how ridiculous it is. Her word choice and punishments are pretty unique. We have a reading test every week, and trying to be a good student, I read the chapter, highlighted (its an open book test), and was fully prepared. Still got 32/35... when I showed her my justification (clearly written in the text) she said it didn't matter, her answer stood, and I shouldn't argue. During the class she made many comments about America (I'm getting used to this as EVERY professor does) and decided to make a special note that Minnesota is a state no one cares about, just flies over and its a buffer to Canada. She asked me later whereabouts in the States I'm from, I said Minnesota and the whole class laughed... she kind of shut up after that but never apologized or acknowledged her previous statements. Every time I mention her name around this place people cringe (even the people selling text books)... I'm determined to prove myself in her courses, I might work harder than in any class before, but I refuse to give up and get poor marks in her class. Also, our course website says print off the powerpoints, and today she said print of chapter outlines because she hates powerpoint... contradictory?

My other professor (Robinson) is great... he tells stories, uses real life examples, and uses powerpoint! It is refreshing to have class structure from back home. I think the class will be very practical and useful, much more straight forward than Dr. McRae. We'll see how marketing goes this afternoon.

Other things worth mentioning (or maybe not)... I found a protege to mentor for my conflicts class. His name is Remi and he's from Sweden. That project starts in week 3. New Australian terminology... tater tots are tater joes, if you call them tots, you get odd looks. Sweaters are jumpers... sweater is a foreign concept. Slot machines are pokies. The trunk of a car, is called a boot. These are the few I've run into today alone... I'll try to add more in future posts.

Yesterday I was in swimsuit and shorts for a nap on the beach and walk around town... today I'm in a skirt suit with pantyhose and heels for 8 hours of class! I much prefer yesterday, but both have to happen. And once I'm done with today... just a 2 hour tutorial tomorrow and then the weekend! I think this weekend I'm going to check out the Botanical Gardens, an art museum, and check out the markets at the Rocks again.


Anonymous said...

dude, is this a military academy that you are attending???

T said...

Its just a professional environment, honestly most of the lecturers are super chill and the faculty is awesome. There are a few exceptions, and I just happen to have two classes with one of them.