Thursday, October 9, 2008

Allow me to be frustrated

I'll warn everyone right now... this may be a bit of a rant. I'm still loving my time here, by no means to I regret my decision to study abroad, but today has been less pleasant that most.

The past few days have been a little chilly, not warm enough to go to the beach anyway. I've been going to class and getting a good bit of homework done. We had yoga on Tuesday, its getting tougher but I still like it a lot. Wednesday was my day off. I hung out with some friends, got destroyed in a game of Monopoly (they play the British version here... it freaked me out a little bit), and had my first real cup of coffee since getting into Sydney. Overall, decent day.

Today I hit the snooze for the first time since arriving in Australia... not quite sure why I was so tired. I still made it up in time to eat breakfast and get ready for my 8 am class with Dr. McRae. Within 5 minutes she was discussing American politics and asked if I had watched the debate the day before. I said no (she cut me off before I could say I don't have access to television, or internet connection strong enough to stream video on a Wednesday afternoon), and she immediately replies with "You are a disgrace to your country." and stares at me silently for a good 5 seconds before muttering how the world is doomed if we have idiots voting for America's president. I'm not going to say I'm the best American there is, but I'm far from the worst. Honestly, who says that to their students? Its not the first time I've been humiliated in her class (nor will it be the last, she has very little problem humiliating anyone from any culture). I'm learning just how politically correct America is... for better or worse, Australians say it how it is, whether or not you like it. She also yelled at me on Tuesday for not knowing the definition of a word. She later tells us its the Italian word for song... apparently I was suppose to know Italian before coming here. I reread my earlier blog for some motivation to stay determined. In her class there is only one way... her way, nevermind what the book says or what your opinion is. It's frustrating. Even more so that I have to go back this afternoon for round two. My second class was almost as depressing as the first. I got lectured to for 2 solid hours on how dismal my future was and how the entire world economy is going to collapse and I won't be able to find a job in 2 years. The prof meant well I'm sure, but I was tired and angry already... not exactly in the mood for depressing news for the future. I ate lunch quick and attempted to watch the debate from youtube on my two hour break... I've gotten through 10 minutes in the past 90. I don't lie about my atrocious internet connection.

On a brighter note, the Australian dollar is down to .66 US dollars, meaning the expensive things just got more affordable. Also, the guy taking us to the Blue Mountains agreed to reschedule for Sunday since we have make up class on Saturday. Whoo for weekend plans, it'll make the next 4 hours of class more bearable.

I'd write more, but housekeeping just came in, and its almost time for class. I promise I won't complain again next time.


Luke Ferguson said...

I am still so confused by this Saturday school thing.
And might still advocate a couple of well placed zingers in McRae's class. Maybe it's all law of the jungle and she will respect you more if you challenge her authority.
Or, maybe she'll make your life more of a living hell. Either way...

Laura said...

You might find it easier to read the transcript of the debate, it comes out only a few hours after the debate has ended, so it's easy enough to catch up on what was said.

And then watch a few clips to get a good view of the demeanor of the candidates.

Also streams them live, and the video doesn't keep up with our bad connections, but you actually can hear the audio a good portion of the time.

I am not sure why she feels the need to be so rude, and it sucks that you have two classes with her. :( Hang in there! At least she liked your PEARL and after the next debate you can impress her with your knowledge.

- Laura