Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I'm done... and in Melbourne!

This won't be the normal book-length posting I swear. My last posting was a little depressing, I'll admit. I got through my last final and made it to Melbourne. Our flight was cancelled last minute, but they found us another flight. We wasted the extra time in the airport playing the longest game of crazy 8s and eating Hungry Jacks. After our flight left (30 minutes after the original delay from the switch) we found out they were compensating us with a dinner and free drinks on a 1.5 hour flight. Definitely a difference between US and Australia domestic flights. Also, I never showed my ID to get on the plane, nor did I have to take out my bag of liquids. Restrictions are so much more relaxed here.

We made it to our hostel by 10pm and went down to the bar to celebrate. It wasn't that exciting and we were much more tired than expected, so we went back to our room to watch TV. That may not sound very exciting, but it is when you've been living TV-less for 3 months. Our room also has a bathroom inside... luxury by hostel standards. This trip is far less planned than Auckland, more of a relaxing and enjoy the last week in Australia sort of trip. Sunday we had breakfast at the hostel, went shopping at the markets, and then went to Witches in Britches, a dinner theatre. I've never been to one before, it was much more entertaining than I expected. We met the cast afterward and went out with them. Good times. I'll have pictures up when I have my cords (they're back in Sydney).

Today we slept in before going on a day tour to Phillips Island. Yes, I was finally going to see my penguins. The day was full with wine tasting, going to a wildlife park (got my final koala, wombat, kangaroo, and wallabie sighting in), sitting on a beach (that never gets old), and seeing some penguins in burrows near the noobies. We then went to the penguin parade which involved penguins coming out of the ocean from a long day of gathering food. We saw a bunch up close, and in a completely natural environment (minus the stadium seating and skybox for watching them... it was seriously set up like a sporting event.) They weren't being held captive and their actions were not set up. They were "little penguins" the only blue species and stand about a foot tall. This means they waddle even more than "regular" penguins and make them all the more cute. After watching a few groups cross the beach, we walked up a board walk and could see them meeting their chicks and partners back at the burrows. Saw some mating, fighting, feeding, you name it... seriously awesome. Unfortunately you can't take pictures because it frightens them to the point of death. Also, my camera broke yesterday (something happened internally so the lighting is all screwed up) so I don't have pictures from today... I'll steal from Brittany and Jenna and post later.

Not much on the agenda for the next few days. We're meeting up with Melissa and maybe going bowling, seeing more of the city, and hanging out before heading back to Sydney on Wednesday night, end of term on Thursday, and flying back to the States on Friday. Time is passing too quickly, I'm going to miss my life here. Its going to be hard adjusting back home. Its going to be great seeing people from back home. I'm excited and sad at the same time... everyone seems to be feeling the same way. I said goodbye to Jolly for possibly the last time before I left. She's done with finals tomorrow and moving out before I get back. It was hard to say goodbye. Dana started crying and I haven't even said goodbye to her yet. I hate goodbyes. Normally I'd consider them "see you laters" but it might not be the case here. Not fun.

I hope everyone has a great week. See you soon!

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