Monday, September 29, 2008

Never again will I leave on Sunday

Last Sunday I went to Sydney and realized the ferries ran less frequently, and remembered transportation generally lacks on Sunday... no matter where in the world you are. So when a few girls decided to go to an outlet store this Sunday, I decided to join them... forgetting this very important lesson I learned last week. We took a cab (which is actually very affordable split 4 ways) out there and the driver told us where to catch a bus back to Manly. After we were done shopping we waited by the bus stop for 20 minutes, no bus. We found another bus stop that apparently had public buses and a free shuttle to the beach... and after 30 more minutes of waiting, the free shuttle drove right past us. Fed up with buses, we finally called a cab. Waited another 30 minutes before calling the cab company back and they insisted we had already been picked up, clearly they were wrong. 10 minutes later another cab came and brought us back to school... we waited around for almost 2 hours just to get transportation home. Lesson learned: Know where you're going and how to get back, or stick around on Sundays... enjoy a day at the beach or anything within walking distance.

I decided to blow off my anger by watching a girly movie in my room by myself. It worked. Until dinner... unbreaded fish (which is not filling or appealing) or tofu and eggplant. I tried tofu and eggplant, wasn't as bad as I anticipated, but not at all what I was looking forward to. I went on a walk and got ice cream from Cold Rock Creamery (exact same as Cold Stone Creamery in the States) and worked on homework before going to bed early.

Ok so maybe I'm being a little dramatic, overall it was still a pretty sweet weekend. And I realized its ok to just sit and chill sometimes... even if I'm in Australia. I don't have to constantly be going places and doing things. This weekend there is a huge jazz festival in Manly, and the Rugby championship on Sunday in Sydney. Monday is Labour Day so we are spending the night in Sydney and using our day off to tour around. Should be a really great time. Before that all happens I have lots of reading to do, and 16 hours of class to sit through. And yoga class, I'm pretty excited for that tonight.

Hope all is well back home:)

1 comment:

Stuart said...

Labour Day? I'll stick with Loyalty Day and Law Day, U.S.A., thank you very much.