Wednesday, September 17, 2008

O Week

Lots of fun new things happening! I'm meeting so many people right now, and understanding true diversity. My culture shock is coming from school, not the city. There are 62 nationalities this term. Australia has many of the same brands/places or similar enough, but over the past 3 days I've had the opportunity to meet people from Germany, Sweden, Norway, China, and many others... in addition to the other Americans here. O Week is very relaxed, we aren't required to wear our uniforms yet. Tuesday night the cocktail party was a lot of fun. We had a welcoming ceremony and then some appetizers and wine or beer. I met the General Manager of the college, a few professors, and a large group of the German students. It was a great evening.

My roommates Dana and Jolly

Melissa and I enjoying the Cocktail Party

Wednesday I was fitted for my uniform and enrolled for classes. My suit fits really well actually, they had a selection of sizes there and we just tried pieces on until they fit. Alterations are extra, so I'm glad mine fit well. We get "profession conduct" points taken away if our uniform doesn't fit properly or isn't worn correctly. I also have to learn how to tie a cravat, this should be interesting. I'll take a picture when I actually have to put it on. The enrollment process is very different here. There is no online registration and fighting for classes. I picked 8 intended subjects and they're going to pick which ones I get and times I get them. Hopefully I'll find out today or tomorrow. All I did was fill in personal information with pen and paper, stand in line with my passport and wait for approval. It seemed really old school to stand in line for registration vs doing it online.

School stuff aside, I ordered tickets to an Italian opera "La Boheme" on October 18. I can't believe I'm going to an opera in the Sydney Opera House!! There is a group of us going into Sydney for the long weekend to watch the Rugby League Championship and do some more exploring in the city. Hopefully it still works to get tickets and whatnot. Tonight we are taking a bus to the mall. My roommates friend Una had a spare mobile so I need to buy a SIM card. I know I swore I'd live cell phone free, but I need an alarm clock, can't wear a watch to class (yes it's against the dress code), and this country does not believe in clocks. Its also a nice security measure. This weekend I'm taking surf lessons, figured I'd try it out. I haven't been down to the beach yet as it's been pretty chilly. This is expected to be the last cold spurt before it starts warming up. Hopefully Saturday is a nice day. On Sunday I hope to actually make it into the city and walk through the Royal Botanical Gardens, maybe go to the zoo. Its suppose to be a really good one. Once I get my timetable for classes I'll be able to make more definite plans.

Other than that, Melissa and I went with Grace and Chloe (two second term students here) to their friends house in Manly to hang out for the afternoon. It was my first time riding in a car here... left side of the road is still a little weird. They also have round about turns which I'm not used to. I think everyone is a little safer if I don't drive around here.

Few pictures for your viewing pleasure:

The view from my desk window... this picture doesn't do the view justice as its hard to capture the scene in one frame.

The Castle I live and go to school in:)

Its been nice receiving emails and messages from back home:) The internet is wonderful, although my connection here can be a little iffy. I'll have to find a lounge with better reception for talking on Skype. Well time for breakfast... its nuts, I wake up at 6am here everyday!


Luke Ferguson said...

So, I finally realized that you had updated the blog. I guess I wasn't expecting quite this comprehensive of a travelogue; but it's awesome to read about your acclimation process. It all sounds kind of surreal.
I definitely subscribed to the RSS feed, so now as soon as you post, I know.
(insert evil laugh here)

Anonymous said...

Your adventures sound fantastic. You are wonderful. I miss you! I can't wait to see your pictures and hear your stories. I love you.