Saturday, September 27, 2008

Weekend Fun

So I made it through a whole week of class. I finally had marketing, and think I'm really going to enjoy the class. It's modeled after the show "The Apprentice" (ICMS actually got permission and rights from the Trump Corporation) so we are split up into teams of 6 and have several marketing tasks to complete over the semester. Also had to buy 2 textbooks... I have to get in the habit of reading again. Maybe if I do it outside or at the beach it won't seem so bad.

Last night was the beginning of the term "Icebreaker" party... it was such a fun time. Everyone started out at the bar on campus and then walked down to Manly to Steyne Bar where we had the second floor exclusively for ICMS people. There were so many people everywhere... and oddly enough I felt like I knew quite a few. There are only 1200 students at the school which makes it a bit easier, but there were also faculty, alumni, friends, and family around. We danced and chatted until bar close at 2:30, walked up the hill and were home by 3 am.
Melissa, Candyce, Myself, and Brittany before Icebreaker

Saturday morning I went to Sydney with a group of friends to see The Rocks markets and walk around the Royal Botanical Gardens. Paul Collins (PC), a faculty member that makes term videos and offers to guide students through the city or go places, drove us around the city for 2.5 hours giving us a brief overview of the city, where we might want to visit, and stopping for a few photo ops. Bondi Beach looks gorgeous, and I definitely want to make it back to Oxford Street (Its the gay pride street of Sydney with tons of cool shops). PC said he would be taking trips to the Blue Mountains, wildlife parks, and even a weekend camping trip to NewCastle this term. I'm hoping to take advantage of a few of these options. He also said we could plan an itinerary and let him know what day we want to go. It's really nice of him and definitely helps having someone who knows where to go! He dropped us off by Circular Quay and we had the afternoon to explore on our own.
Photo Op #1... Linnea, Tamara, Amanda, Melissa, Alex, and Myself

Since it was noon and none of us had breakfast, we decided to eat first. Linnea's friend had recommended Pancakes on the Rocks so we went there. It was one of the most delicious meals I'd ever eaten. I think I'm going to make my way back there before this term is over.
Amazingness... pancakes, chocolate icecream, walnuts, grilled bananas, and chocolate sauce!

Next we went to the markets and I got a piece of artwork by a spraypaint artist. We watched him paint and it was absolutely incredible... it was really affordable as well. I'm excited to frame it when I get home. Next half the group toured the Opera House, and half of us went to the Botanical Gardens. I took far too many pictures, but this place was spectacular. I'm definitely taking another day trip just to walk through the whole park.
Beautiful gardens with the city skyline behind. More pictures on my flickr site.

I'm not in a pet store or a zoo... cockatoos just hang out around here. Kinda nuts.

We made it back for dinner, and now debating what to do for the evening. Its a little weird not having TV, movies, or even a living room to hang out in. If I'm not in class, at the beach, or exploring... I feel limited to my room. We'll see what the evening brings.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend:)

1 comment:

Heeeeeejin said...

It sounds like you had the most amazing Friday ever! The weather looks super nice too!!! So jealous. I think your marketing class sounds pretty brilliant. I expect you and your group to be the winners. NO EXCUSES!

I'm gonna go attempt to make that delicious looking pancake.... hehehe