Thursday, October 30, 2008

Already/Only half way done!

My perspective of time tends to change daily here... today I have officially been gone 50 days and have 50 days left. Part of me feels like I have so much time left, another part of me feels like the end is right around the corner. Today, it feels like the end is right around the corner. I just took my only midterm for the term in Strategic Management. The test was 30 points and worth 20% of my overall grade. Three definitions accounted for 11/30 points and they were all definitions we learned today in class--after we had taken the midterm. Maybe its just me, but I'm going to go ahead and say its unfair to test on material that hasn't been taught. None of the major theories or ideas were on this exam, half of it was tricky worded true/false and five obscure multiple choice. Good news: everyone felt this way...Bad news: instructor doesn't care. I'm beyond frustrated and have no idea what I can actually do about it, so I'm just going to give up and move on. Hopefully my presentation and group report go better. If I do alright on those, I might be able to pull 50% (passing) even if I fail both tests. I have to put far more time and effort into those assessments than I was planning on.

Besides school work.. this weekend there is a Halloween party on Friday and a cruise for study abroad students on Saturday. Two of the Swedish girls have birthdays this week so we are having a party for one and dinner for the other. Anything to get my mind off of school. Its been great having the aboriginal students on campus. They are a little shy, but open up more and more every day. Tomorrow they will be cooking us traditional aboriginal food for dinner. I'm not exactly sure what that consists of, but as long as I don't have another turkey sandwich (I've had 5 so far this week) I'll be happy.

I had to do an interview with a classmate for one of my term 9 courses. I was talking with Carmen (my classmate) afterward, and she asked me how I was liking Australia and the school. I told her some of the things I had done and she said even she hadn't done a lot of those things despite living here for 5 years. It made me realize that even with subpar food and rainy weather, I'm taking advantage of my time here and while spending a lot of money, in the end it will be worth it. She asked me about the greater Sydney area (outside downtown) and I knew very little. She lives in the city and said she would take me to some of the other precincts that she enjoys spending time in. I hope we find time to do these things, it'd be nice to get out of Manly and city center. I should do more research about public transportation and figure out how to get around on my own. Judging by the amount of school work I have due before week 11 it might be tough.

I reference time by weeks a lot because that is how the school operates. The term starts out with "O" week and then 1-11 for classes, and finals are weeks 12 and 13. The finals schedule was revealed this week and my three finals fall on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of week 12. Now one might think "finals on the weekend... that sucks!" However... this means I'll have three days to study, three days to test, and five days of absolutely nothing before end of term dinner/party on the 18th and flying home on the 19th! I originally planned on making it down to Canberra but after speaking to several people, all of who recommended against going, I have my sights set on Melbourne. We haven't finalized plans yet, but its about an 8 hour drive. We might fly there, spend a day or two in the city, and then try driving back! I've heard its a beautiful drive up the coast and there are plenty of beaches and cities to stop in along the way. I'll keep you posted.

Another highlight of my week... receiving two Halloween cards in the mail! Thanks Mom and Steph:)

I hope everyone enjoys a fun and safe Halloween weekend!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YAY! I made your post :)
