Thursday, October 16, 2008

I'm going to New Zealand!!

I've been having a great time exploring the Manly/Sydney area, but I wanted to make at least one big trip before I leave. So Melissa tells me she found a return flight to Auckland, New Zealand for A$388 ($271 in US dollars... I love this exchange rate) yesterday and we booked it. Not quite sure what we're going to do there... but as the largest city in New Zealand, there's bound to be something interesting going on. While everyone in the States is enjoying a long Thanksgiving weekend, I'll be in New Zealand:) I'm pretty excited. As for skydiving... I'm almost positive I want to do it, but I could also go on a learn to surf weekend for the same price. We'll see how my budget is doing around mid-November.

Tomorrow is graduation for the 3 terms of students completing their studies in 2008 which means no school for me! Unlike my professor who insisted on a make-up Saturday class, my marketing professor decided to give us time for "self-directed tutorial" aka do your groupwork, and don't make me work on Saturdays. Since we already had the Opera booked for Saturday, I can't take advantage of no class for a big trip but I did find a walking tour of Sydney that I'd like to do. Its suppose to be a nice day and with many students leaving for Fiji, New Zealand, or trips up/down the coast, it should be pretty quiet around here. I'm looking forward to exploring the city and spending time on the beach.

Weeks are starting to disappear... I've gotten instruction for most of my large case studies/projects and need to start working on them more frequently. Its tough to concentrate on class when I'd rather be planning weekend activities or going to the beach. I hope to become more focused in the near future.

More Australian words I've run into:

Trolley=shopping cart
Reckon=think... everyone reckons here
Mark=grades and points

So the words aren't all that weird... just different and take some time to get used to.

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