Saturday, November 15, 2008

Another week flies by

Once again its Friday and I don't know where the week has gone. Since Tuesday I've managed to spend a few hours at the beach, write one of my final papers, give a presentation, and go to all of my classes. Its nice to be able to cross a few things off my laundry list of assignments due in the next three weeks. I keep telling myself that I'll do more homework, but somehow I always end up talking to people from back home or hanging out with people here. Maybe this weekend I'll find some motivation. I have plans to go to the zoo on Sunday... that won't help much.

I just finished registering for classes back home. It really hit me that I've been gone for more than two months already. I have a lot to look forward to in my last month here, but the time is going quick. People keep mentioning flight dates home and planning reunion trips. I have to realistically start job hunting and hopefully find a job or two before I actually get home. These things are not much fun to think about.

Something that IS fun to think about is my sister being accepted to the U of M:) I'm so excited to have her join me in Minneapolis next year. Other fun things include the package of Halloween candy I got from my Mom today. It was really exciting to get an email that I had a package, even though I knew it was coming.

Sending warmth from Australia... I know Minnesota could use some right now. Hope you all have a great weekend:)

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