Friday, November 7, 2008

Time is flying!

I promised myself that if I started a blog for my semester I would update at least twice a week. I've been doing pretty good, but lately it seems like the days fly by and I forget about it. After skydiving on Tuesday, I promised myself Wednesday would be a productive day. Election results started coming in around noon here and I was glued to my computer for the next four-five hours (minus the 15 minute break for a fire drill). I could hear people discussing the election in the hallways, everyone seemed to be watching it. There was quite a bit of celebration when Obama won. Someone told me that 76% of Australia was backing Obama (not sure if that was legitimate or not) but it seems about right. It has been interesting reading about it in the Sydney papers and hearing reactions from my classmates from around the world. The general consensus is that the right decision was made.

So Thursday I had class all day, as usual. I walked into my 8am with McRae and she told me to sit in front so I could sing the Star Spangled Banner to the class. I thought she was kidding and refused. Eventually she let me off the hook, but made sure to refer to me as "America" throughout class. I got to my 4pm class with her and she asked all the Americans to stand at the front of the room. She then proceeded to have us sing the Star Spangled Banner. Turns out she was serious and did this in the rest of her classes. I didn't sing, but I stood there while everyone in the class laughed at us. I'm not sure why I didn't just leave class... probably because I'm still terrified of failing her classes... but I'm about done with the public humiliation. I'm looking forward to being in lecture halls with 100 students and professors that actually lecture and give normal tests again. Small colleges are good for some people, I'm quite alright being a 7 digit number at the U.

My marketing class got cancelled this morning so I've been able to get some homework done before lunch. It's a beautiful sunny day, so I'm planning on the beach after lunch. My friend Daniell from St. Thomas who is visiting Sydney this weekend just called and said they were going to check out Manly Beach today. Conveniently, I'm a 5 minute walk away. I'm so excited to see a familiar face!! Tomorrow is Whale Watching, and Sunday (if I can get some homework done before then) I'm thinking about making my way to Bondi Beach in the city. Its one of those places I just need to see before I leave.

Hope all is well in the States (or whereever you're reading from)... I hear the Minnesota weather hasn't been as brutal as most years. I'm sure the minute I return, the temperature will fall dramatically. Have a great weekend!

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