Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Program introduction complete

I’m a few days behind but we have been going non-stop. Saturday we went to Rainforestation about a 40 minute drive up the mountains outside of Cairns. The view of the city was gorgeous, unfortunately I’m terrible at taking pictures from the bus window. At Rainforestation we got to do all the stereotypical Australian touristy stuff. We learned a bit about Aboriginal culture and saw demonstrations of painting design/patterns, musical instruments, and hunting techniques (spears and boomerangs).

Turns out if I relied on boomerangs for food I’d be starving. My attempts at throwing went right into the ground. Australians are big on sports and I’m sure most of you know how terribly uncoordinated I am. It should be an entertaining semester to say the least. We hung out with some kangaroos and then went to an Aboriginal dance performance. It was really cool to watch, even better, they eventually asked for volunteers… a couple girls from our program and these two older people from the States went up and learned to “shake a leg” Aboriginal style. Then it was onto lunch… Can I just say I love Australian BBQs, the food here is fantastic. Next we took pictures with koalas and went on an armyduck ride through the rainforest with a very entertaining Aussie guide.

When we got back, I made my first trip to Australian Target. Its just not quite the same here…unfortunately for the worse. We all needed hair dryers, straighteners, and more sun screen. Turns out straighteners here cost anywhere from A$75-170… kind of ridiculous. Everything is more expensive here, I think I’m definitely going to get a part time job once we get to school, just a few hours a week, and it’ll be fun to interact with the community. After our shopping trip we went to the Courthouse Bar for the Australia vs. New Zealand Union Rugby game. I knew rugby was big here, but underestimated the passion. There were probably 300 or so people gathered outside watching the game on a projector screen and cheering for their favorite team. Oddly enough it was a pretty even split of Aussie and Kiwi fans. I still don’t know that I quite understand all the rules, but it was another new experience and I’m glad I went. After the game we went back to Gilligan’s (our hostel) and straight to bed. It was only 10, but were going to the reef in the morning and had to wake up at 6am. My guess is ocean and hangover don’t mix well.

Good news, is that I don’t get sea sick! We got out bright and early to the Marina where we got on board for a two hour cruise out to the Great Barrier Reef. We hung out on the boat deck all day, and my Minnesota skin is definitely not used to this sun… especially not with the giant hole in the ozone. I reapplied 30+ sunscreen 3 times and still managed to burn. I’m going to have to get better at applying sunscreen. The day was beautiful. We had great weather, and a fun crew. Our first stop was Paradise Reef where I went scuba diving and put my hand inside a giant clam to see it close up. It’s so incredible down there, some in our group took underwater pictures once their uploaded maybe I’ll add a few so you all can see. The second stop was an island so we snorkeled over and then hung out on the beach. Unfortunately I couldn’t take pictures since we swam over. It was so much fun though. On the way back, a little worn out from the sun, we went inside and played cards. One of the crew members is a magician and did some ridiculous card tricks. We got in around 5pm, had a wrap up session and then went out as a group again. We found “Mad Cow Tavern” that seemed more Midwest than anything else I’ve experienced here.

Monday was our flight to Sydney… I’m finally at school! Our bus driver gave us a quick tour of Sydney, drove along the beach, and then up the hill to school. I really do live and go to school in a castle on the hill. When I get some free time today I’ll take pictures. We checked into our rooms and had some time to unpack before dinner. My roommates are Julie and Dana, both full degree students from China. There are other American students on my floor and the view from my room is amazing. I look out over the trees to the harbor, and finally have wireless internet! I’m in the 200’s which is actually the 3rd floor and there’s no elevator, after two flights of stairs in heels every day, I’m going to be SO in shape! This week we have orientation stuff spread out, lots of downtime to explore and get settled. The orientation leaders took us into town for the night and I have 2 sessions today before our cocktail party tonight. I swear, I’m not turning into an alcoholic, it’s very much a part of the culture to go out and have a drink or two while getting to know people. Tomorrow I’ll be fitted for my business suit and pick my classes, really hoping that goes well. I don’t miss Minnesota weather, but I do miss familiar faces. Hope all is well back home. These will get shorter in time, I just feel there’s so much to tell right now!


Bennett said...

how do you even kill things with a boomerang do you just like daze it and then run up and wail on it with a rock or something

T said...

no, they use them to hunt birds... chuck them in the air and hope for the best.

janaetime said...

Oh my! It all sounds so wonderful. My roommates and I all went out to buy a hair dryer and straightener that we didn't have to use adapters for too. (Once we had completely blown our fuse box about 3 times!)

I feel as though I go out SO much here, too, but it really is just what they do. When we both get back to the states, we are going to have to continue on with the tradition a little bit! :D

Have a great first few days of school!