Friday, October 3, 2008

Rain rain go away

So its officially long weekend, jazz festival was going to be huge... and its raining. We went down to the markets this morning, found some pretty cool stuff, but ended up walking back in the rain. Hopefully things start to look better as the weekend goes on. I guess you have to accept rain in the spring. Speaking of spring, tonight is daylights savings time here (I don't know if time is changing back home too) so I may be 16 hours ahead instead of 15.

Yesterday it was 34 degrees (95 Fahrenheit)! If it is warmer than 26 degrees Celsius we are not required to wear our jackets around campus, which is really nice because I think I would have died of heat stroke. I only had class til 12 and spent the afternoon taking a nap on the beach. I always have 30+SPF sunscreen on and am still working up a decent tan! We went out in the city last night which was a little different than what I'm used to back home, but it was a good time. Taking cabs to the city is much faster than the ferry, and $40 split four ways is pretty affordable as far as transportation goes around here. Tomorrow we are going to the National Rugby League Grand Finale. Rugby is huge over here... there is Rugby League and Rugby Union. This is the championship for Rugby League. Our precincts team (the Manly Sea Eagles) are playing a team from Melbourne. Everyone around here is really excited for the game, we all got t shirts and most of the Americans are going to the game. It should be a lot of fun, another new Australian experience. Lets hope the weather cooperates.

Next week I have to start researching for my major projects and presentations. I have something planned each weekend for the next 5-6 weekends and then it'll be time to study for finals. I am spending most of my time exploring the Sydney area. I spend way too much money already to do any big trips. We might go out to the Whitsunday Islands in November. That would be my big spending trip. I really wish I could have found a job, but its tough when we're leaving right in the middle of summer. I'll just need to work twice as much when I get back. Speaking of which, I need to find a job when I get back. If anyone has ideas, let me know.

Enough about me... more about where I am. Turns out laws mean a lot more around here than they do in America. If you get caught with drugs on campus, you're immediately kicked out of school. If you are a bartender and serve someone that is already clearly intoxicated, you get a $5500 fine. If you get caught street racing in the city, they smash your car. Its pretty intense but it makes sense. If you're going to have laws, might as well enforce them. On the topic of laws... the other day I learned that prostitution is actually legal in Australia. The government realized it was a bad thing, but it was so big that there was no way to ban it completely. Kind of like prohibition in the States, people would have just found ways around it. So instead they put a ton of restrictions on it... confined them to brothels, put restrictions on number of hours they are able to work, and amount of money they are allowed to be paid. I found it a little weird, but no one around here seems to think so.

I'm still mastering the art of tying the perfect cravat. I've gotten used to walking in heels, and the uniform is growing on me. I still hate having to put it on just to eat lunch though. Meals are still very off and on... I can always count on fresh fruit and rolls though. We had steak and potatoes the other day, it was almost the highlight of my week. Today I started craving ketchup, they have "tomato sauce" but it just doesn't taste the same. I'm still walking every day, climbing the hill every time I go to town, and walking up 58 stairs every time I go to my room. My legs might be in the best shape they've ever been. That's about all for now. My internet connection has been really shady lately, hopefully that improves soon. Hope everyone is having a great weekend:)

1 comment:

Luke Ferguson said...

Smash your car? What does that mean? Do they take it from you? or just mess it up and give it back?
Also, if that uniform is growing, you might want to get that checked out. I hear they have some crazy aussie fungus that can somehow animate clothing.