Thursday, November 20, 2008

Many thoughts

Nothing too crazy or exciting happening this week... mainly just going to class, group meetings, and working on final papers. I went to yoga on Monday and tried dance class again on Tuesday. The theme of the week was salsa dancing. You're probably thinking "Tanya you're the most uncoordinated person ever, how did you manage salsa dancing?" Well your thoughts are correct, and I wasn't very good. But I "had a go" as the Aussies say, and it was a decent time. This dancing venture was followed by a night out. It also happened to be the night the Today Show was filming in Manly because of the new Australia movie coming out. I saw the set but didn't stick around to watch the filming or be on TV. A few of the Americans got on the air which was pretty cool. The red carpet premiere event happened in Sydney and a few friends of mine were able to check it out. They had a great time and actually got to meet Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackson... I had class, bummer. Everyone here is pretty excited about the movie even though it has nothing to do with Sydney... its a big thing for the whole country.

Wednesday I worked on papers all day. It was the one month mark for my trip back to the States. I spent most of it being frustrated with my marketing assignment, and freaking out about the realization that for the first time in over a year I have to look for a job AND a summer internship. The selection is looking slim right now. I'm also contemplating my major(s)/minor combination and wondering if its really worth the trouble or maybe I should just graduate early. Ever since deciding to come to Australia, figuring out study abroad has been my only focus. I would put off planning my future and just focus on the present. Well now my study abroad experience is coming to a close and planning the next year or so of my life is becoming critically important. I know I shouldn't be worrying about this stuff, but its kind of my nature to do so. I'm not worrying myself sick, just had a lot of time to think about things because I couldn't go to the beach (rain) and needed something to occupy the time while I was procrastinating.

I released my tension with a nice walk and a night at the movies with Deb and Amy. We saw the new Bond movie, Quantum of Solace. Good flick. I hadn't been to a movie in a real long time, but this one was worth it. Few odd things about Australian cinemas... the chairs don't have a fold up bottom nor do they recline. Just a normal padded rigid chair. They also don't have cup holders. Granted this was just one cinema... but Amy said it was typical. She was in Perth for 6 months before joining us at ICMS. They can also advertise alcohol in the previews. Finally, their rating system is different. Bond was rated "M"... no idea what that means.

I'm currently on my two hour break from Thursday's class marathon. Its probably a good thing I had this schedule here because my schedule next semester back home will be very similar. Its been a pretty typical week in class... few interesting discussions and stereotypes about America as usual. In Workplace Conflicts we had a discussion about how women are at a disadvantage when it comes to top management positions. It was the opinion of a few men that a woman's only way to the top was to sleep with their managers, and they did this because they felt incapable. I'm not going to go into the fit of rage that put me in but I didn't have the energy to fight it at the time. In Cross Cultural Management, McRae read us an article about the state of America's economy. Now I'm not arguing that there aren't some significant issues right now, but American's use of credit and borrowing on mortgages to finance education is not the end of the world. It was also brought up that Australia is the land of mediocrity and has a "tall poppy syndrome" of cutting people down that are viewed as having an advantage. Distinctly different from America.

Now today McRae was talking about Americans lack of humor and how we're all too literal. She was making a lot of generalizations I thought were a bit off and mentioned that Americans are not all the same and geographical location may play a part in ones cultural upbringing. I cannot identify with everything she says is "American" because her only experience in America is Harvard and Washington DC. I'd argue the Midwest in general is a bit different from Harvard, much less Stearns County where I've spent the better part of my life. This was of no interest to her and I let her keep talking. I'm from "one of those states no one pays attention to and just flys over" so it didn't really matter. And yes, that is a direct quote.

After finishing up my marketing project and writing my last section for a group paper, I'll be done with homework for the semester. Then comes finals. I still have trips to New Zealand and Melbourne to look forward to. Deb's birthday is this weekend so we're planning on a BBQ and maybe even a bon fire at Shelly Beach. I hope the weather is nice.

I had a few discussions this week with friends back home and had a look through my pictures from the past two months (I have over 600!!) and it made me realize what a wonderful opportunity I've had here. I heard time and time again, that studying abroad would be one of the best decisions I could make, and I agree. It hasn't always been easy, lots of frustration... but the new environment and challenges I've faced have allowed me to better understand who I am and appreciate what I have. It has given me a chance to slow down, relax, and enjoy the present. I've changed, probably more than I even realize. Little changes but they're there. We've been talking a lot about reverse culture shock in class... I hope its not too bad. I'm excited for my last few weeks here... also very excited to see family and friends when I return to the States. I can't wait to share pictures and stories. Thankfully my schedule will allow for many coffee and lunch dates... as my friend Hanna says, "face time". E-communication is just not the same.

Congrats to whoever is still reading at this point... its a pretty spontaneous train of thought. I've had a lot of time to think this week. I reckon its a good thing to do. Yes... I just reckoned.


Luke Ferguson said...

Probably rated M for Mollycoddle or something equally silly and British sounding.

T said...

Way to follow up within minutes of my posting. You're quick!